Homeschool Life


I was homeschooled my entire life.

I fully planned to be versatile and experiment with mixing homeschool and public school. After the second year into public school, I quickly realized that public education, while I did and still do not downplay those teachers who put in the effort: I could not continue to play into the public system that was “systematically” breaking down not only my basic moral beliefs, but my trust that what was being taught was worth spending an entire day in school plus however many hours on homework afterwards.

“Didn’t y’all do school today?” I asked, as I watched this pile of homework come out the first time. “Yea, but we didn’t do any of this so have to do it when we get home” was a reply I didn’t like. And then hated, after feeling secure in my own education, questioned my intellect as I struggled to assist on subjects that had been easy for me. That is, until I realized after studying that really, I WAS smarter and the “system” was rigged for failure later in life by the methods being used.

I fully understand the push back this opinion will get: Single parents can’t, working parents can’t, not at all teachers are bad …Yet I can’t find anyone offering another option other than the public system, and no one is necessarily raising hands.

All opinions aside for another day and another time: I’d like to share resources and what I know both from growing up as a homeschooler and from personal experience in my household; the ways and hows and whys. -MeganB.

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